

Supervisors discuss potential paving of Fairman Avenue

Todays News

The Marshall County Board of Supervisors and County Engineer Paul Geilenfeldt discussed the potential paving of about 800 feet of a currently gravel road near a residential subdivision just southeast of State Center off of Highway 30 during Wednesday morning’s regular meeting. As ...

ISU Extension hosts pasture walk near Gilman

Todays News

T-R PHOTOS BY ROBERT MAHARRY Meaghan Anderson and Chris Clark from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach led a pasture walk with local cattle producers at a farm near Gilman on Wednesday afternoon to discuss a variety of topics including types of grass, which ones are the best and most ...

St. Francis holds Family Fun Night

Todays News

St. Francis Catholic School was the place to be on Wednesday as its staff and administration hosted a Family Fun Night with a wide variety of activities and representatives from several local organizations on hand.

Five GMG iJAG students advance to national competition in April

Todays News

AMES — More than 400 high school students and nearly 60 employers from across Iowa participated in the annual State Career Development Conference (SCDC) held at Iowa State University on March 5, including five Green Mountain-Garwin (GMG) Iowa’s Jobs for America’s Graduates (iJAG) high ...