I was astounded about the news of the potential of a tree fee. After the derecho and tornado we lost a considerable amount of trees. There should be plans to plant more trees. The tree fee will do the opposite and send a distracting message to the citizens. People will look for ways to manage ...
Today you reported that our once-great universities will be funded at the lowest point this century, and our public schools are facing the same hemorrhaging while our political leaders cut and give schools more responsibility and staff more meaningless, time consuming tasks. All this with a ...
If we could flip through the pages of history, that would be a blessing for us. Let’s turn back to the Creation story, and our own beginning. God shows that nothing sinful can be associated with Eden.
Our ancient relatives sinned, but God was not done with humanity. He offered a way to ...
National Ag Week is March 20-26. As a corn and soybean farmer in Marshall County, I’m proud to celebrate that the crops I grow here in our community can be found across the world in the form of animal feed, fuel, food products and more. But it’s more than that.
Iowa agriculture is ...
As a 5th generation cattle farmer in Marshall County, during National Ag Week I want to thank our community for their support of agriculture.
Our family has lived and farmed in this county for generations. With that comes a responsibility to do the right thing for the environment, our ...
“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” I recently ran across this statement, and it spoke to me in a profound way. How valid it is and what truth just a short sentence holds for us all. Truth be told, if you look back in history, even in your own history, you will find ...