Guest performer Dr. Ken Lyons joined Tuesday Musical Club members Mary Giese, Pat Kirner, Christine Norman Hall and Julianne Paustian for a program featuring folk music from five different countries at the club’s Nov. 12 meeting. The meeting was held at the home of Marsha Bristley, with Cindy ...
The November 2024 General Meeting of the VFW Auxiliary was held at the Home Post on Nov. 19. President Theresa Shepherd called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Opening Ceremonies according to the Ritual. There were 11 members present and three guests. Laura Dosher, 4th ...
“Peace Without Limits” was the theme for the 2024-25 Lions International Peace Poster competition. The Marshalltown Evening Lions hosted the Marshalltown 9MC District awards ceremony and reception at the Marshalltown Public Library. Sandra Thomae, Lenihan teacher and Marshalltown Evening ...
Beta Sigma Phi, Chapter Sigma Master met for lunch at Pizza Ranch on Nov. 12 with all members except Alice and Caralee Hutchens who were enjoying a trip to Branson, Mo.
President Dorothy Perry thanked Jan Keller for hosting the day. Seven members and one guest answered roll call with the ...
LISCOMB — Liscomb Legion Auxiliary Unit 87 met at 1:30 p.m. on Nov. 14 at the home of President Sharon Hatch in Whitten. Present were six members. Hatch called the meeting to order. Chaplain Dorothy Sorensen gave opening devotions. Members recited the Auxiliary Preamble and Pledge of ...
Chapter JU of the P.E.O. Sisterhood met Nov. 4 at Trinity Lutheran Church with 15 Sisters in attendance. President Isgrig presided over the business meeting with Margaret Johnson serving as hostesses and Nancy Hartliep and Sheryl Thomas serving on tea committee.
The merging of Chapter LT ...