
VFW Auxiliary Post 839 holds March meeting

The March 2023 general membership meeting of the VFW Auxiliary Post 839 met at the post home on March 21. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Liz Polkiewicz, followed by the opening ceremonies according to the ritual. There were eight members present, and each of the members are officers. There was one guest present. Chaplain Donna Mitchem gave the Opening Prayer.

The February minutes and General Orders were read by Secretary Theresa Shepherd. The minutes stood approved with no corrections made. General correspondence: An invitation celebrating 10 years of the Puppy Jake organization. A bill was presented by Carol Ewalt in the amount of $17.10 for stamps. It was approved by Polkiewicz, Three-year Trustee Deloris Clayton, Two-year Trustee Dian Welch and One-year Trustee Linda Fuller.

COMMITTEES: Clayton reported that Iowa Veterans Home Bingo will be held at 9:45 a.m. on April 4. Volunteers are needed. Volunteers arrive by 9:30 a.m. Ewalt reported that there was a total of 14,812 stamps collected. Kay Bell reported that there were 805 coupons collected.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Voting on the amendment of the bylaws is tabled until April’s meeting. Fuller made a motion to buy binders for the Historian. The motion was seconded by Clayton. The motion carried. With the completion of Unfinished Business, the National Home Prayer was recited.

NEW BUSINESS: Draping of the Charter was performed for Department President Drucilla Novak and Past Department President Verna Mae Johannes. Novak went to her heavenly home on March 8; Johannes went to her heavenly home on Feb. 26. An election for District Delegates and Alternates was held. Delegates that were chosen: Clayton, Deb Miller, Polkiewicz and Fuller. Alternates: Bell, Ewalt, Shepherd and Mitchem. With the completion of New Business, Mitchem recited the Closing Prayer, and Polkiewicz closed the meeting according to the ritual.

The next meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on April 18. After meeting discussion: Easter eggs needed for IVH carnival and $100 donation. Will send out an email to all members for approval.

EVENTS: The IVH is having a carnival at 1 p.m. on April 15. Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for the granddaughter of members Bill and Pat McClain. The event will be held at the VFW 839 Post Home, 108 N. Center St., Marshalltown.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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