
ALA Unite 46 holds general meeting

Dec. 10, ALA Unit 46 General Meeting began with a social time with a meal at 5:55 p.m. Meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m. followed by the opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, standing in silence, and the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion Auxiliary.

Twenty-eight members were in attendance with four of them mentioned in the sick call for either themselves or a spouse. Happy Birthday was sung to those members in attendance born in December.

Kellie Allen read the minutes from the November general meeting. A motion to approve was made by Meg Sponseller, seconded by Laurel Degelau. Dorothy Hellberg gave the treasurer’s report noting that the CD was due for renewal in January. Sponseller, of the finance committee, reviewed the first quarter audit.

The membership report was given by Sponseller. The Unit is at 75% of goal and are continuing to recruit new members. The committee will begin making phone calls to those who have not renewed starting in January.

Deb Miller briefly talked about the latest information regarding the post. This included Mama Digrados taking over the management of the lounge, the hot beef lunch that was successfully held on Dec. 7 and the post cards that were mailed to members.

Miller spoke about completed and in process projects which included t-shirt order, Festival of Trees, Iowa Veterans Home Bazaar, volunteer hours, Rada Cutlery fundraiser, IVH table decorations, IVH Christmas open house, Adopt a Vet and the McGregor’s window display.

There will be less opportunities for fundraising in 2025. Miller noted that many of the usual fundraisers will not happen, with the most notable being the rose sale for Valentine’s day.

The Marshalltown Combined Honor Guard is raising funds for a new bus. Sponseller made a motion to donate before the end of the year, with a second by Ginny Johnson.

District Three, which includes the American Legion Post 46, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 46 and the Sons of the American Legion Unit 46, has been awarded the Unity Award. The Unity Award is given to the district with the highest percentage of combined membership but a certain cut off date.

Miller finished the night with a list and dates of upcoming events that the ALA is involved with.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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