
ALA Unit 46 holds February meeting

Meeting was called to order at 6:09 p.m. by Deb Miller followed by the opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, standing in silence and the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion Auxiliary.

In attendance were 18 members. Barb Blake, the McClain family and the McCready family were all mentioned in the sick call. Happy birthday was sung to two members in attendance.

The guest speakers were Bob Miller and Mike Hanken, both members of the Marshalltown Combined Honor Guard. They gave a brief history of the Honor Guard and then demonstrated the Meaning of Each Fold in an American Flag Folding Ceremony.

There was no January general membership meeting so the meeting minutes from the December meeting were read by Kellie Allen and were approved as read. A brief treasurer’s report was given by Miller, in Dorothy Hellberg’s absence. Meg Sponseller gave the membership report stating that the Unit is at 80% of its goal. She estimates that we will lose about 17 members this year and is pushing new member recruitment.

Girls State committee reported that there were three applicants whom they will be meeting with on Tuesday the 18th to determine which two will represent Unit 46.

The St. Patrick’s Day Card Party committee gave an update on the meal choice and the number of current reservations. As of the night of the meeting there were about 30 spots left to fill.

Miller gave an update on the Legion Post 46. Their sales tax license has been reinstated and they plan to open back up to the public starting from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Feb. 16 and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. thereafter and is subject to change.

Miller discussed projects that are finished and on going which included the Rada Cutlery Fundraiser, Iowa Veterans Home Valentine table decor and Marshall County IVH Bingo.

A monetary collection was taken for the benefit of the Four Chaplains Foundation. The Sock Challenge that is a project being put on by the American Legion Family was discussed. Sponseller made a motion to contribute to this project using the welfare fund, and was seconded by Peggy Shoer.

Plans for an American Legion Family birthday party are coming together but are still in the early stages of planning. This year the Unit again will contribute to the IVH Foreign Food Fair which will be held on March 15. A motion was made by Linda Fuller to purchase a veteran banner from the MCBD for the oldest woman veteran at IVH and was seconded by Susan Seals.

The American Legion Riders will be hosting a benefit supper for Baby Ellie on Feb. 21. They have asked the Auxiliary to provide dessert.

Upcoming events and volunteer opportunities were discussed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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