
Names & Notes

Library receives accreditation from the state


DES MOINES — The State Library of Iowa has announced that the Marshalltown Public Library has met the conditions for state accreditation as outlined in “In Service to Iowa: Public Library Standards Sixth Edition.”

Achieving accreditation requires a significant, ongoing local commitment to high quality library services. The Marshalltown Public Library has been recognized for its efforts in all areas of library operations including governance and funding, staffing, library collection, services, public relations, access and facilities. The accreditation is valid through June 30, 2022.

“The director and board of trustees of the Marshalltown Public Library and the city of Marshalltown are to be commended for this achievement and their commitment to excellence in public library services for their community,” State Librarian Michael Scott said.

Accredited libraries receive a higher rate of compensation through the State Library’s Enrich Iowa program. They also receive a Certificate of Accreditation signed by Gov. Kim Reynolds, Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg, State Librarian Michael Scott and Iowa Commission of Libraries Chairperson Sarah Latcham.

For more information on the State Library’s accreditation program and to view the Public Library Standards, go to www.statelibraryofiowa.org/ld/a-b/accr-and-standards.

Marshalltown police officer promoted


The Marshalltown Police Department announced the promotion of Officer Anthony “AJ” Accola to the position of Patrol Sergeant. Sgt. Accola began his new assignment on July 1 and has been appointed to the police department’s ‘Night Shift A’ 12-hour patrol shift lead by Lt. Kiel Stevenson.

Accola comes to Marshalltown from the city of Ames. He is a graduate of Des Moines Area Community College in Ankeny and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice. Accola was hired by the Marshalltown Police Department in November 2009 and has been involved in many activities inside and outside the department during his law enforcement career. Within the agency, Accola has held the positions of SWAT Team member, field training officer, standardized field sobriety testing instructor and a department instructor in less lethal tactics and chemical munitions. He is also an active member of the Iowa National Guard 186th Military Police Company.

Albion Municipal Library & Heritage Center receives accreditation


DES MOINES — The State Library of Iowa has announced that Albion Municipal Library has met the conditions for state accreditation.

Achieving accreditation requires a significant, ongoing local commitment to high quality library services. Albion Municipal Library has been recognized for its efforts in all areas of library operations including governance and funding, staffing, library collection, services, public relations, access and facilities. The accreditation is valid through June 30, 2022.

“The director and board of trustees of Albion Municipal Library & Heritage Center and the city of Albion are to be commended for this achievement and their commitment to excellence in public library services for their community,” State Librarian Michael Scott said.

Accredited libraries receive a higher rate of compensation through the State Library’s Enrich Iowa program and a Certificate of Accreditation.

For more information on the State Library’s accreditation program, and to view the Public Library Standards, go to www.statelibraryofiowa.org/ld/a-b/accr-and-standards.


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The Times-Republican invites businesses in its circulation area to submit brief items concerning their employees or businesses for the Names & Notes column, which is published on Sundays.

Potential subjects of these business briefs include announcements of new businesses, branch acquisitions, departures of longtime employees, employee recognitions or new hires. Submissions will be edited and run on a space-available basis. Items must be received by 5 p.m. Thursday for consideration in Sunday’s column.

Submit brief articles and JPEG headshots to: Names & Notes, Newsroom, Times-Republican, 135 W. Main St., Marshalltown 50158, or call Kathy Beane at 641-753-6611 or email news@timesrepublican.com

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