Dozens of kids of all ages played indoor soccer with members of the Marshalltown Police and Fire Departments as part of Wednesday’s “Soccer with the Squad” event at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Marshalltown.
This year is the second iteration of the event, one of several activities ...
Despite what residents might have seen on social media Wednesday, Immigrations and Custom Enforcement (ICE) was not in Marshalltown.
A Facebook post regarding the presence of the federal agents, along with a photo from California, was shared multiple times in less than 24 hours, creating ...
TAMA — A Tama man was arrested on Monday afternoon over allegations that he stole his stepfather’s AR-15 style rifle and had made threats to kill his family.
According to a criminal complaint, 18-year-old Logan Levi Kurth was charged with first degree burglary (a Class B felony), second ...
A number of homes and businesses were without water on Tuesday morning. Three water mains broke as a result of the extreme cold temperatures Monday evening and yesterday morning.
Marshalltown Water Works Assistant General Manager Zack Maxfield said the water main next to Kwik Star on Center ...
Almost a year after a similar debate played out inside city hall and resulted in the narrow rejection of a $100,000 funding request for the Marshalltown Arts and Civic Center (MACC), the facility’s executive director Kristine Kienzle came before the council during Monday night’s special ...
(Editor’s note: In conjunction with National Mentoring Month, we are spotlighting the stories of two special Big Brothers Big Sisters partnerships in the Marshalltown community).
Noah Huntrods was a shy kid with separation anxiety from his grandmother Tiffany Lynch, his primary custodian, ...