
Marshalltown’s 12th Avenue sidewalk project on hold

T-R photo by Thomas Nelson Public Works Director Justin Nickel addresses the Marshalltown City Council on Monday night about the 12th Avenue Sidewalk project.

The city of Marshalltown and the Central Iowa Fair Board were at an impasse over the 12th Avenue sidewalk installation project.

A conflict arose between the two organizations over who would be responsible for snow removal.

“We did get an overall estimate for the cost of snow removal for the sidewalk area. It would cost us $5,000 a year and that’s just not in the budget we have,” said Michael Duffy, Central Iowa Fair Board president.

The city isn’t able to provide the snow removal either.

Referring to the proposed sidewalk installation, Justin Nickel, Marshalltown public works director, asked the council whether it would be willing to use eminent domain to move forward.

City council member Gary Thompson proposed the city start over with the project and find a different route.

His motion to “go back to the drawing board” failed 2 — 3 with only Thompson and city council member Mike Gowdy voting for the measure.

The city has been able to reach out to other property owners to complete the installation with the exception of the Central Iowa Fairgrounds, according to council documents.

“The project cannot be completed without easement from the fairground property due to elevation differences between 12th Avenue/Governor Road and Central Iowa Fair property.”

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires a level grade, which isn’t possible without the Central Iowa Fair property.

“We’re definitely at a stalemate as far as moving forward in negotiations,” said Nickel.

The council was not able to take action on the project, but city council member Bill Martin was asked to meet with the fair board.

Martin was still optimistic there was a way forward to complete the sidewalk installation.

“I think there’s a way to accomplish this,” Martin said. “It’s in the city’s best interest and also the fair board’s interest to modernize the property and make it accessible.”

City council member Al Hoop pointed out the installation project has been in the works for 12 years.

“I’d hate to see it go away,” Hoop said.

In other business:

• The council approved an $80,000 reserve price for an auction of the old fire station property at 109 South First Ave. and 8 E. Linn St.

• A vote on an ordinance granting the Marshalltown City Council and mayor a raise in their salary was postponed to the next meeting.

• Resolutions for a $137,909 bid for the Third Street bridge repair and $149,021 bid for the PCC patch repair project were accepted.

• A resolution for West End Park improvements was approved by the council and public hearing to set bids was scheduled for the next meeting at 5:30 p.m. on March 23.


Contact Thomas Nelson at 641-753-6611 or tnelson@timesrepublican.com

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