
50,000 meals for Marshall County

T-R PHOTOS BY ROBERT MAHARRY — The meal packing event drew volunteers young, old and in between.
Ellie Hughes, left, and Ruben Fuentes, right, from MHS head to the middle area to load up on more meal ingredients.
Rep. Sue Cahill (D-Marshalltown) was all smiles as she and her team pack meals during the first shift Wednesday. Also pictured are Andrina Helgerson, Marshalltown Public Library Director Sarah Rosenblum and Marshalltown Parks and Recreation Director Geoff Hubbard.

Over two shifts inside the Marshalltown High School cafeteria on Wednesday night, local volunteers — in partnership with L.U.C.C. (Leaders Uplifting our Community with Charity) from West Marshall High School, S.E.A.L. (Students Empowering and Leading) from East Marshall High School and S.T.E.P. (Students Teaching and Empowering Philanthropy) and Rotary Interact from MHS, packed 50,000 “Meals from the Heartland” to be distributed within Marshall County. Kendra Sorensen and Michelle Roseburrough Halverson of the Marshalltown Area United Way estimated that there were about 150 packers for the first shift and 125 during the second one.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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