Jansen Jamboree celebrated Aug. 17
The annual Jansen Jamboree was held Aug. 17 at the Haverhill Community Center. Descendants of Delbert and Sophia Jansen with four children were the beginning of this wonderful event, now continued with children of Donald and Hazel Jansen.
As the years have grown with grandchildren, and even great, great, great grandkids, the younger generation has taken over planning and organizing the event. Justin and Mindy Karl, of Des Moines, and David and Laura Leavy, of Denver, were in charge of the corn cob/hotdog/onion/potato meal in the milk cans owned by Ronald Jansen.
There were 61 in attendance with Alice Jansen Nicholson being the oldest present, and Sophia Janes, age 8 mos., daughter of Erin and Morgan Janes, of Ankeny, and granddaughter of John and Jan Jansen, of Waukee, being the youngest. Marilyn Jansen Leavy traveled the farthest from Scottsdale, AZ, along with her daughter Sarah Leavy Riggins and family also of Arizona.
Cousins Tony and Sandy Miller, of Burlington, along with Tim Clark, of Zearing, attended. Birthday cake was enjoyed for Emily Jansen Molliere, of Charles City.