Haunt the Block returns to downtown Marshalltown Thursday

T-R FILE PHOTO Pennywise, pictured during last year’s event, and a host of other spooky characters will be making their way out of the woodwork for the annual “Haunt the Block” festivities in downtown Marshalltown on Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m.
More than 50 businesses will participate in this year’s Haunt the Block from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, sponsored by the Marshalltown Central Business District.
Candy, popcorn, prizes, sales and specials are what attendees can expect to enjoy as they take in Halloween decorations and spooky displays. Children (and adults) are welcome to dress in costume as they make their way through the downtown.
“This is our fourth year hosting Haunt the Block. It really brings down droves of people to the downtown and really puts people in front of the businesses,” MCBD Executive Director Deb Millizer said. “It’s a community gathering, and it’s just something that each business can do their own thing and be creative. The true core is bringing people together for a good time and give people the opportunity to visit downtown and see a business they haven’t seen before.”
Approximately 1,300 people attend yearly ranging in age from babies, toddlers, kids and adults.
“It has grown every single year. Last year, MCBD had over 1,000 pieces of candy, and we gave out every single piece of candy, and we gave one out at a time, and there were parents too,” she added. “I get what I call an ’emotional paycheck’ when I see people talking about it online, that they’re looking forward to it, and seeing all the photos during and after.”
At the Times-Republican, there will be a haunted hallway on the building’s main level, which is new this year.
In Stitches will have Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother visiting the entire time of the event.
“We’ll also be passing out over 3,000 pieces of candy,” said owner Elisabeth Curtis.
First Interstate Bank will have employees dressed up as characters from Winnie the Pooh.
“We’ll have a decorated table setup outside our west doors. We have Halloween bags for kids this year with some toys and candy. Also, candy for the adults that will be dressing up,” said Tara Fincher, teller supervisor at the bank.
Some entities are participating for the first time this year, including Iowa River Hospice, which will be set up at 101 W. Main Street in an empty storefront with their display “R.I.P.”
“We have businesses outside the district that asked to participate and set up down here,” Millizer added.
Matt Gerstandt, who co-owns Black Tire Bike Co. with his wife Cassandra, said the event has been a great success and growth opportunity for MCBD.
“We will be participating in costumes and handing out to the little ghouls and ghosts for the evening,” he said.
In front of the courthouse, representatives from local police, fire, sheriff and corrections/probation departments will be on hand to give out candy and meet with kids. The Historical Society of Marshall County will be set up to greet people between the Glick-Sower House and Taylor #4 schoolhouse.
Brittany Tow, owner of Brit Marie’s and Co. likes being part of the event every year.
“I love seeing the kids out there. It’s such a fun event to bring the community downtown and see what all of the businesses have to offer,” she said.
On Nov. 1, the MCBD will put out applications for people to apply for veterans’ banners, which will hang throughout downtown Marshalltown. The MCBD’s annual Adopt a Veteran program — where people can shop for gifts for veterans that live at the Iowa Vet’s Home — will start on November 11. The Holiday Stroll will take place November 23, an event that takes nearly the entire year to plan. Volunteers are always needed.
To view the map of participating businesses for Haunt the Block, visit www.marshalltownmainstreet.org and its Facebook page.