
Sheriff’s office hosting Donuts with a Deputy at Hy-Vee

T-R FILE PHOTO The Marshall County Sherfiff’s Office last hosted “Donuts with a Deputy” in December of 2023. The event returns to Hy-Vee on Wednesday from 7 to 10 a.m.

People will have a chance to sit and talk with Marshall County Sheriff’s Office deputies and staff tomorrow at Donuts with a Deputy at Hy-Vee.

Sheriff Joel Phillips said the event was held last year as a spin off of Coffee with a Cop.

“[Donuts with a Deputy] is a catchy phrase to get attention for people to meet with the sheriff and employees,” he said. “It’s a chance for people to ask questions. Sometimes people learn [being in law enforcement] is not like TV.”

Donuts with a Deputy also happens to coincide with the national Coffee with a Cop day, which is always held the first Wednesday in October.

Phillips said the event is a great opportunity for the public to interact with law enforcement outside of a crisis. It can also serve as a time for people to ask employment questions if they are considering a law enforcement career, and get more information about the different avenues available.

“When I was hired, I was very traffic-oriented,” he said. “I had the least experience with narcotics and I was asked if I wanted to be an investigator with the Mid-Iowa Drug Task Force. I was hesitant because I had no knowledge of that, but it has been very rewarding. It opened my eyes to societal issues. I can now relate to different people and understand the obstacles they have to overcome with addiction. [Joining the task force] was a very rewarding decision.”

In addition to Phillips, Chief Deputy Ben Veren, Reserve Deputy Melinda Ruopp, Jail Administrator Patrick White, a civil department deputy and office staff will be on hand to answer questions and enjoy some pastries with residents.

“We can explain the civil processes,” Phillips said. “People might have questions about eviction notices or other civil matters and why we do what we do. There will be different [sheriff’s office] members with different perspectives. Someone with traffic safety and the child protective seat program will be there. People will get a good variety of exposure to different divisions and employees.”

Depending on whether or not he is on assignment, Deputy Tanner Hunt might be present along with his K9 Bosco.

“It depends on if Bosco has a good day or a bad day,” Phillips said. “But Melinda Ruopp will be there with her K9s.”

Residents will not only be able to get answers to a variety of inquiries, but they will not have to pay for the donuts or the coffee.

“They will be provided free of charge,” Phillips said. “If someone doesn’t like coffee or donuts, they can still stop in and have a conversation with us. I encourage people to come out and have those conversations. We also like to have feedback from the public, learn what we are doing right and what can be improved upon. We want to make sure we are doing the right things and meeting expectations.”


Name: Donuts with a Deputy

Address: Hy-Vee, 802 S. Center St.

Date: Tomorrow (Wednesday)

Time: 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.


Contact Lana Bradstream

at 641-753-6611 ext. 210 or


Starting at $4.38/week.

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