
Court orders injured dog not be returned to woman charged with neglect


Marshall County Magistrate Judge Tom Hillers has ordered a dog should not be returned, under any circumstance, to its former owner.

Rae Lynn Stephenson, 42, was arrested and charged with animal neglect with injury on Saturday, when she was found in her vehicle with a dog and snake at Riverside Park.

Marshalltown Police Chief Chris Jones said a concerned citizen encountered Stephenson in her car and saw the dog was entangled. When officers arrived, they discovered that Stephenson also had a snake.

“Rae Lynn was in a crisis and was confused about taking care of the animals,” Jones said.

According to the arrest report, a cord was wrapped around the dog’s mouth, causing cuts on the skin and bleeding. There was also a seat belt wrapped around the dog so it could not move. The dog also appeared to be severely malnourished with the spine and rib bones showing.

Both animals were taken to the Animal Rescue League.

Jones is not sure what type of snake was in the car or if it was neglected. A reptile expert has been contacted as part of the investigation.

He added that as far as they know, Stephenson is homeless with a last known address in Missouri. While this was the MPD’s first run-in with her, Jones said they have been concerned for Stephenson’s well-being.

Animal neglect with injury is considered a serious misdemeanor. Jones said MPD only encounters a few such cases every year.

“There is not a lot of animal neglect,” he said. “Some of them have been dogs left behind while the owner went on vacation, or left outside in the summer, winter or bad weather.”


Contact Lana Bradstream

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