Auditor/Recorder breaks down recently mailed tax letters
MCSD, city hearings scheduled at same time

Proposed property taxation letters were sent to Marshall County residents last week, and there has been some confusion over the contents.
Auditor/Recorder Nan Benson said letters were sent to property owners on March 12, and the most common question she has received pertains to scheduled proposed taxation hearings.
“The public hearings for Marshalltown Community School District and the City of Marshalltown are both on March 24 at 5 p.m.,” she said. “Folks are asking how they can go to both meetings, and that’s a fair question.”
However, Benson was happy to see that attendance to those hearings is optional.
“Last year, people were crying because they had to work, and they felt like this was like a jury summons,” she said.

Benson said some people also asked why the county spent money sending the letters. The cost of the process was $11,000, and she said the mailing is required by the legislature. It was not something her office wanted to do.
“This is actually the second year of sending them,” Benson said.
Another piece of information she wanted to clarify is the tax rates listed in the letter.
“These are proposed rates, and they are the worst case scenario,” she said. “It can only go down. It can’t go up.”
Depending on where residents live, they received letters with different rates. Those in Marshalltown received those city rates, along with the school district, but residents in State Center received rates for the pertaining city and the West Marshall Community School District.
Countywide, the current rate for property owners is 6.24 and the proposed tax rate is 6.32. For residents who own a $100,000 home this year, if the assessed value increases to $110,000, tax rates would increase from $289 to $330 if the proposal is approved.
The letter states that the reason the proposed tax rate exceeds the current rate is to help support the Marshall County Communication Commission (MCCC) and cover increasing insurance costs.
For Marshalltown property owners, the current rate for non-agriculture property is $16 per $1,000 of valuation, and the proposed tax rate remains the same. For residents who own a $100,000 home this year, if the assessed value increases to $110,000, tax rates would increase from $741 to $835.
The letter states that the reason the proposed tax exceeds the current is the city’s general fund and transit costs increased due to the increased cost of living, utilities and supplies.
People living within the MCSD have a current rate of $14.75, and a proposed rate of $15.98 per $1,000. For residents who own a $100,000 home this year, and the assessed value will increase to $110,000, tax rates would increase from $684 to $834.
The letter states that the reason the proposed tax exceeds the current is the successful November bond referendum vote. The district is working to save on interest costs and start a plan to pay off the approved bond sooner.
“That is higher because folks voted for the Miller Middle School general obligation bond,” she said. “[The county] had several bond referendums, but it all depends on what happens at the budget meetings.”
Benson stressed those rates are not finalized, only proposed. The final deadline is April 30.
“There is time yet to lower it, according to what they do in the legislature,” she said. “They could pass a law to make anything happen.”
If residents want to impact the rates, Benson urged them to attend local government and school district budget meetings.
“Talk to the elected officials to help them make better decisions,” she said. “Being informed and knowing what is going on is always helpful.”
Scheduled hearings will be held on proposed property taxation, and are open to the public.
Who: City of Marshalltown
Where: City Council Chambers
Address: 10 W. State St.
Date: Monday
Time: 5 p.m.
Phone: 641-754-5760
Who: Marshalltown Community School District
Where: MCSD Administration Building Board Room
Address: 1002 S. Third Ave.
Date: Monday
Time: 5 p.m.
Phone: 641-754-1000
Who: Marshall County
Where: Marshall County Courthouse Board of Supervisors Meeting Room
Address: 1 E. Main St.
Date: Monday
Time: 9 a.m.
Phone: 641-754-6330
Contact Lana Bradstream at 641-753-6611 ext. 210 or