
Todays News

Annual Harvest Ball set for Nov. 2

St. Francis Catholic School is gearing up for its 57th annual Harvest Ball. This event is the school’s largest fundraiser. This year’s event is slated for Nov. 2 at the Midnight Garden in Marshalltown. The evening begins at 5 p.m., with a social hour and hor d’oeuvres, followed by dinner ...

Council passes parking pad rule; gravel not permitted as acceptable surface

The Marshalltown city council voted to bring a previously tabled ordinance change related to parking pads back up for discussion and voted on the first reading during Monday night’s biweekly meeting. The motion before the council was to repeal Chapter 72 of the city code on parking rules ...

Emergency Food Box continues to see increased need

In the ‘90s, National Food Bank Week was declared to occur during the week of Oct. 16, which is World Food Day. The week is designed to bring awareness to food insecurity, and how quickly a household can go from a full pantry to an empty one. The Emergency Food Box in Marshalltown can ...

Inmobiliaria Inc. celebrates opening of Marshalltown location

The staff of Inmobiliaria Inc., a Des Moines-based real estate and accounting firm with bilingual staff focused on providing a one-stop shop for financial services, celebrated the opening of their Marshalltown office during a ribbon cutting and open house event with the Marshalltown Area ...

After discussion, council approves new found bicycle policy

A topic that garnered a fair amount of discussion during the previous meeting was pulled from the consent agenda on Monday night, and after further conversation and clarification, the city council officially approved a new found bicycle policy for the Marshalltown Police Department (MPD). As ...

Rogers Elementary hosts Outdoor Resource Fair

T-R PHOTOS BY LANA BRADSTREAM Rogers Elementary hosted an outdoor Rogers Resource Fair on Tuesday. From 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., community members learned about different resources available to them, such as Heart of Iowa Big Brothers Big Sisters and Marshalltown Area United Way. As parents got ...