
What are our priorities?

We have made it past the second funnel week of the 2024 legislative session. I must say that I am very disappointed in the Senate for not taking up bills that would make the lives of Iowans easier and safer. They did not take action on many of the priority bills that Iowans have asked for and that were passed in the House. Instead, they spent time on bills that only affect a few or they stalled out on debating bills altogether.

The Senate definitely did not listen to constituents who by a large majority want to activate a task force of Iowa stakeholders to review the current practices of the Area Education Agencies (AEAs), report back to the legislature and then enact changes to better the services for our kids. Amendments reflecting that were offered by the Democrats in both Chambers. They were not accepted. The bill passed by the senate differs greatly from the House bill passed several weeks ago. I am proud of Marshalltown Superintendent Theron Schutte and East Marshall Superintendent Tony Ryan who joined a Coalition for Thoughtful AEA Reform. Both chambers and the Governor will need to come to a compromise before the bills can be voted on again.

The House passed many bills that were not passed by the Senate committee or were not even given subcommittees. The legislative leaders put over 100 bills on the “unfinished business” calendar to exempt them from the funnel. Other bills involving taxes or appropriations are also still alive and are usually the final pieces of legislation of the year.

Bipartisan bills moving ahead

• Raising pay for teachers and education professionals (HF 2630)

• More transparency to protect Iowans when they sell their homes (HF 2394)

• Ban foreign land ownership (SF 2204)

• Increases college savings plans (HF 2537/SF 2236)

• Increases funding to the State Housing Trust Fund (HF 2634)

• Increases the amount of Workforce Housing Tax Credits (HF 2420)

• Dyslexia specialist endorsement grant program (HF 2643)

• Insurance coverage for biomarker testing to improve patient care (SF 2159/HF 2492)

• Insurance coverage for diagnostic and supplemental breast exams (SF 2358/HF 2489)

• Criminalizing the use of AI in sexual exploitation of a minor (SF 2243)

• Expedites medical prior authorization process (HF 2488)

• Increases Iowans’ prescription drug pricing transparency and helps local pharmacies hold PBMs accountable (HF 2401/SF 2357)

• Increases penalties for individuals who falsely report bomb or terrorist threats (SF 2161)

• Helping to employ individuals with disabilities (HF 2589)

• Ambulance reimbursement for mental health centers (HF 2397)

• Expand access to medical doctors (SF 477)

• Physicians now can serve as EMTs (HF 2507/SF 2148)

• Increasing awareness of veterans’ benefits in the workplace (SF 2406)

• Enhanced penalties for stealing public money (HF 2453/SF 2143)

• New crime to stop grooming underage victims (HF 2602)

Bills passed by the majority that benefit special interests

• Eliminate AEA mental health and special education services (SF 2386/HF 2612 )

• Using religion to discriminate (SF 2095)

• Take money from public schools to give to charter schools (SF 2368/HF 2543)

• Lowering teaching qualifications (HF 255)

• Underfunds K-12 Schools (HF 2613/SF 2258)

• Eliminate the gender balance requirement on state boards (SF 2096)

• Eliminate routine hotel inspections (HF 2426, SF 2203)

• Arm teachers in public and private schools (HF 2586)

• Lowering accountability of taxpayer dollars to anti-abortion fake clinics (SF 2252/HF 2267)

• Anti-abortion indoctrination of students (HF 2617)

• Putting up barriers for eligible Iowans to vote (SF 2380/HF 2610)

• State to sell license plates with money going to NRA (HF 2639)

• Lawsuit immunity for pesticide companies giving people cancer (SSB 3188)

• County and city guaranteed income program ban (HF 2319)

• Reduced protections for tenants (SSB 3102/HF 669)

• Cutting Iowans’ voices out of boards & commissions (SF 2385)

Good news: These GOP bills are dead

• Personhood bill that threatens in vitro fertilization (HF 2575)

• Union busting bill targeting police, firefighters, teachers, and other public servants (SF 2374)

• Ban gay marriage (SF 2129, HF 508)

• Removing gender identity from the Iowa Civil Rights Code (HF 2082)

• Allows government agencies to bypass a state audit (SF 2311)

• Restricting access to STI vaccinations for Iowa youth (SF 2064, HF 2044)

• Erase LGBTQ+ Iowans from Iowa code (HF 2389)

• Restrict diversity, equity and inclusion work at universities (HF 2558)

• National Anthem required to be sung in schools (HSB 587)

• Death Penalty (SSB 3085)

• Not allowing localities to ban conversion therapy (SF 2037)

• Policing our restrooms in public places (SF 2055)

• Tinkering with our U.S Constitution (SF 2130, HF 2116)

• Dangerous Ivermectin treatment authority (SF 2122)

• City council takeover of libraries (SSB 3166) (HSB 678)

• Politicization of judicial selection (SF 2317)

• Voucher expansion to private preschools (HF 2353)

• Partisan elections for school board, city and merged AEAs (HSB 633)

• School to employ chaplains services to students (SSB 3092/HF 2073)

• Making it harder to get the abortion pill (HF 2122)

• Social studies curriculum mandates (HF 2544)

• Changes nutrient management plans allowing for producers to avoid requirements and pollute waterways (SF 2371, HSB 607)

• Restricts the DNR from purchasing public land (SF 2324)

• U.S. citizenship voting verification (SF 2078)

These next weeks will be filled with meeting after meeting trying to pass the priorities of the majority party and the Governor. I will continue to fight for strong education and safety for our children, for expanded mental health services for all Iowans, for services for our veterans, more childcare options and funding, for better regulation of our nursing homes and adult care centers, for reproductive freedom, and landowners rights. It is time to put people over politics.

Please contact me any time. Sue.cahill@legis.iowa.gov.


Sue Cahill, a Democrat from Marshalltown, represents District 52 in the Iowa House.

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