Looking forward to the future

Chief Christopher Jones
I am Christopher Jones, the newly appointed Chief of Police for the City of Marshalltown. March 18 will mark my 29th year of service in the Marshalltown community, and I am truly honored to have the opportunity to continue my law enforcement career as Police Chief. I grew up in northwest Iowa with an early passion for policing. Growing up in Spencer, Iowa, I had a unique opportunity to build personal relationships with various law enforcement professionals who have mentored me throughout the years. Their guidance led me to obtain a college degree from Iowa State University and eventually a position as a patrol officer with the Marshalltown Police Department. I have always valued the relationships those officers built with me throughout my career. Many took a vested interest in my efforts to become a police officer and encouraged me when I appeared to be on the right track.
This type of relationship-building has always resonated with me. When discussing my early expenses with colleagues, the term “Community Policing” often comes forward. My early years have been formed around a philosophy where the police and community work together to solve problems, but my experience has been much more. My experience comes from building relationships and the mutual respect and support that individuals provide to each other. This goes beyond mere partnerships; it extends to a commitment we all must have to improve the overall well-being of everyone in our community. Throughout my career, I have worked with many local organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit, that work tirelessly to provide our community with opportunities to thrive. Each of these organizations has proven that we are all looking for opportunities to make a difference, and if we mutually work together, our future is bright.
My dedication as Chief of Police is to continue to build relationships within the Marshalltown community that will help make us safe, more resilient, and better prepared for the future. Our staff at the Marshalltown Police Department is dedicated to providing a high level of quality service, and we will continue to partner with and share our abilities to help all individuals and organizations within our community. A strong community focused on building relationships creates a greater sense of purpose. Knowing we are working together toward common goals, whether improving local infrastructure, creating educational programs, or simply organizing a neighborhood event, sparks a feeling of shared responsibility and pride. This connection enhances the quality of life for everyone involved and develops a lasting sense of unity and hope. This is accomplished by fostering an environment where trust, empathy, and mutual respect are a priority. This is my expectation for the members of our police department, and I am determined to uphold these values.
In closing, I want to thank all those who have continued supporting me and all our members of the Marshalltown Police Department. I especially appreciate our agency’s retired leadership and staff for their outstanding work, which has brought us to where we are today. I am proud to be a member of the Marshalltown Police Department and a member of the Marshalltown community.
I look forward to our future and the continued relationships we will build.
Christopher Jones is the chief of the
Marshalltown Police Department.