There’s no denying that the United States has an opioid crisis. Unregulated, deadly drugs have found their way into our urban centers, our suburbs, and even our rural main streets. Every year, these fatal substances indiscriminately kill hundreds of thousands of Americans regardless of age, ...
In Iowa and across the country, Main Street is in trouble.
Small businesses are the lifeblood of communities, but under former President Joe Biden’s administration, they were crushed by bureaucratic overreach.
After four years of price hikes and dismay, optimism on Main Street recently ...
Week 4 of the 91st General Assembly has come to a close. As session continues on, weeks can blur together as we go to subcommittees, committees and on to floor debate. This week brought with it a somberness that we will carry with us for some time. Our colleague, Representative Martin Graber ...
From the booming voice of Hall of Famer, Butch Baer, announcing starting lineups at Boy’s State Baseball to 2023 State Champion Abby Tollefson’s near perfect dives, Marshalltown has been the place where championship dreams become realities.
Recently, Marshalltown was informed that after ...
As we close out Week 4 of the legislative session, we pause to honor the life and service of Representative Graber, who passed away suddenly last Friday. All of us at the legislature extend our heartfelt condolences to his family, colleagues, and all who knew him.
Our normal cadence in the ...
Week 4 was the busiest week yet! It was my first week of committee votes, my first time chairing subcommittees, and Pharmacy Day on the Hill. More than 180 of my colleagues in white coats made their way to the Capitol on Wednesday. I was honored to chair my first subcommittee for HSB99, a bill ...