

Save the State Center Opera House

Several years ago I had a kitchen fire. Our fire department responded quickly and efficiently. My home was saved. I will always be grateful for these volunteers. State Center deserves to have a well-designed state-of-the-art facility that inspires and supports community safety. We deserve an ...

Why I’m voting no on LOSST today

In this letter, as a City Council member, I will not ask you, my fellow citizens of Marshalltown, to vote a certain way in the election today to renew the Local Option Sales & Service Tax. However, as a citizen of Marshalltown, I will be voting NO. Following are my reasons for voting ...

Winter doldrums

"Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically.” — D.H. Lawrence Saturdays in February can be ho-hum: NFL playoffs are over, the weather can be good cop/bad cop, and my Creative Writing class is over. This year’s Creative Writing class, which met for six ...

Sounding the alarm over our growing agricultural trade deficit

Agriculture is the economic engine of Iowa. When our farmers and producers are successful, our economy grows, our main streets thrive, our businesses invest in new employees and finance expansions, and our rural communities grow stronger. As is obvious from our endless fields of corn and ...

Ending taxpayer-funded terrorism

Imagine paying for a security system that enables, rather than deters, home intruders. Well folks, that’s what’s happening. The U.S. contributes more than $18 billion in taxpayer dollars to the United Nations (UN) a year. That’s about a third of the agency’s entire budget and more ...

Power up your workforce: How funding fuels local business growth

Our local businesses are the backbone of our community, providing jobs, driving innovation, and fostering economic prosperity. But in today’s rapidly evolving landscape, staying ahead of the curve requires a skilled and adaptable workforce. That’s where strategic investment in workforce ...