
Our View

Working through the weather

Here at the Times-Republican, we do our best to put out a newspaper full of local news, sports, briefs and opinions six days a week and cover as much as we possibly can within Marshall County and our greater coverage area. We’re also Iowans and Marshalltonians, and we know too well that ...

Do your civic duty — vote

In an off year with no presidential, gubernatorial or congressional races on the ballot, it could be easy to forget about voting altogether. But the races and initiatives Marshalltown and Marshall County residents are being asked to consider are important, and they absolutely warrant our ...

Getting out the vote is vital

Leaders of both major political parties agree on one thing: The presidential election scheduled for Tuesday is among the most important in American history. Its outcome will shape our government, economy, even our society for many years to come. Your life and that of your children and ...

Strength, resilience are Marshalltown hallmarks

Marshalltown Strong made its reappearance in full force after Monday’s derecho storm. The 99 mph winds and torrential rains brought back memories of the July 2018 tornado. The trauma of the tornado came back to residents as they heard the wind roar through neighborhoods and debris smash ...

Marshalltown schools provide exceptional response in crisis

The Marshalltown Community School District deserves our support and respect. Officials and staff have worked tirelessly to provide students with a quality education in an extremely challenging time. Students did not return to classrooms after spring break in March. The COVID-19 pandemic ...

Getting ready for tomorrow

Iowa’s economy was once dominated overwhelmingly by agriculture. It’s still a major component and will remain so. Today, however, our state is the home to an eclectic collection of industries. That diversity is making the Hawkeye State stronger and helping keep it prosperous. Gov. Kim ...