
Your View

Thank you for St. Patrick’s Day support

The Marshalltown American Legion Auxiliary would like to thank the following for their generous donations for the recent St. Patrick’s Day Annual Card Party fundraiser. The money raised will be used to benefit Veterans and their needs in Marshall County: 3rd Generation Upholstery, 19 Spa and ...

Corporations destroy our land

On Thursday 3/20, Ethan Crow wrote in celebration of National Ag Week looking for encouragement to continue as a farmer who is a good steward of the land. The destructive elephants on the land, however, are the corporations that pollute the waterways and get away with it. Farmers like Ethan ...

Iowa values

I was disappointed to see Representative Fisher's letter to the editor using fear to criticize his constituents who wanted to protect the funding of local libraries. The bill he advocates for wants to bully local libraries into dropping membership in the American Library Association and the ...

Explaining the property tax mailers

This is the second-year letters were mailed out to all property owners as required by HF718 (Iowa Code Section 24.2A) in order to give property owners an opportunity to attend public hearings regarding proposed property tax rates for the taxing entities in their Taxing District. These proposed ...

Celebrating National Ag Week

In celebration of National Ag Week I am reminded of the Thomas Jefferson quote. “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals and happiness.” Most of our ancestors were some sort of farmers. Today though, farmers make up less than ...

Junk mail

Dear MetroNet and I’mOn, I’d just like to explain — again — that I’m not interested in your service at this time, as I’ve graciously explained to your sales reps who have visited my home. So PLEASE stop sending me an offer EVERY OTHER DAY in the mail. Thank you. P.S. Would ...