
A response to William G. Vana

It would be more appropriate for U.S. citizens to vote for Kamala and NOT for Trump because:

• Trump failed to solve any immigrant issues during his four years.

• Kamala was tough on gang crimes while Trump played golf.

• Trump had 4 years to stop drugs and failed.

• Trump doesn’t care or concern himself with women’s medical rights.

• He and Republicans would endanger our society by slashing defense.

• His energy policies would set back progress while Biden has made us energy independent.

• The oil reserves are not depleted, and are being used wisely and replenished.

• He would cave-in to tyrants who wish to destroy our democracy.

• The Federal Reserve policies work to control inflation and the president is not involved, and should not be involved.

• In Trump’s 4 years his involvement with our adversaries was like Chamberlain prior to World War 2.

• Trump has no plan to deal with Iran at all.

• Will he support the police like he did on January 6, at the Capitol?

• A half century ago college students had debts but were able to pay them off. Today is very different and Republicans and Trump choose not to address that or care.

• Trump doesn’t care about gender issues in sports and only listens to extremists.

• Peaceful demonstrations? Like January 6?

• He will scuttle the advances we have achieved under Biden and Obama on health care, insurance, Social Security and taxes.

• Trump and Republican administrations have always increased the national debt by enormous amounts — over $8 trillion under Trump. And Democrats by only a small amount in comparison — $2 billion under Biden with a Republican House.

• Does Vana not know that it is illegal in all states for non-citizens to vote? One was caught recently here and was arrested.

• Trump will do nothing for non-qualified immigrants who work because those who will hire them are the people who support him. But he will ruin families as he did during his term.

• Trump disdains veterans — it is well documented.

• And finally, hundreds of high profile Republicans, including many from his administration, will vote for Kamala.

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