
The forgotten child

Do you support the forgotten child? Who is this forgotten child you ask? The one who is aborted in their mother’s womb. It is the other person who we want to forget about when talking about women’s right to choose.

What is an abortion according to Merriam-Webster? It is the induced termination of the pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. What is an embryo and fetus according to Merriam-Webster? It is a developing human. We are promoting the destruction of the forgotten child by supporting abortion. We have permitted a holocaust in our country by the destruction of millions of lives.

We must also stop promoting it as a women’s right to abortion and and consider how many girls and boys that we have taken away the right to be alive. Our society must continue to support women who have had an abortion they frequently suffer both physical and emotional stress. We must support the men who suffer from the loss of their child. We must continue to support those who are in difficult situations and choose life. We must continue to support those who choose life and honor what God has created.

The right to life is a basic principle in the constitution of the United States. A society that does not support life is self destructive. We must build a culture of life. Abortion in our country is a holocaust.

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