
Tammany Hall in Tama

The Governor of Iowa has cut back the river monitoring in Iowa City. Upstream. The Iowa Beef Processors were given 11 million dollars to expand their production. They unilaterally changed this to “upgrades.” Gee, I’d like to see the list on this one. With the republican Senator visiting the plant, exaltedly proclaimed, in the foreign owned company, (with only a few processors extant in this uncompetitive witches brew that screws the livestock farmer), it’s easy to see how that local Republican Tammany hall works.

Fisher and the local construction company that by coincidence is staunchly republican, who enjoy the largess of the taxpayer money via the voucher school have nothing over the con job of the meat packer. The Mayor of Tama is intricately involved with the pack and conveniently overlooks the tainted water caused without a doubt by the pack. Now once again the public is getting it in the teeth by having to foot the bill for the water filtration plant needs. A little less fluoride and a little government corruption by Tama might behoove the city of Tama and its environs. But maybe dumbing down the public is the Republicans plan all along.

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