A time for grace
This week, a 3-year-old girl from Marshalltown passed away due to her injuries in a house fire on Monday, Feb. 10 despite the heroic acts of the Marshalltown Fire Department, Police Department, Call Center operators, UnityPoint Ambulance, UnityPoint Hospital and University of Iowa Hospital.
Very few of us can imagine the darkness the parents, family and friends are experiencing right now. The Marshalltown Homeless Task Force has arranged temporary living space for this family, and permanent housing will be ready very soon.
I am sure that Marshalltown will show their hearts in helping the family get back on their feet. It’s what we do.
Two minutes from the time the MFD arrived, the police directed them to where they thought the child was. Firefighters positioned ladders and 2 firefighters entered the second floor window with 2 more firefighters coming in through the front door. The child was located on the second floor, brought out of the house and was immediately given efforts to resuscitate UnityPoint Ambulance arrived and continued medical care.
It seems almost impossible or superhuman that the Marshalltown Fire Department could arrive and 2 minutes later have the victim located, rescued and be given medical attention. And yet, in the end it wasn’t the outcome everyone was praying for.
It is probably a bit quieter at the Marshalltown Fire Department now. Events like this hit hard, very hard. We have several young firefighters with small children too.
It takes a special type of person to run into a burning house searching for a victim when most of us would be running out. If you see a Marshalltown Fire Fighter, they could probably use a hug right now.