
Period of Israel’s judges part one

The world has been full of violence against certain cultures. We are looking at the time when Israel had Judges, not Kings. In the early part of the Bible God worked to create these folks; but for what purpose? Apparently, he was looking to create Israel and the Jews, a nation of people who thought and lived as God does-full of grace, forgiveness and peace. God found a man who filled the criteria. His name was Abraham. Of all places, he lived in Ur, present day Iraq, a nation today that hates Jews. Judges started in about 1,000 B. C. right after the death of Joshua. God squashed Israel’s dream of having a King, just like the nations around them. God did not want to let them have this type of government for many reasons. Individually, motivated leaders (Kings) are short-sighted and self-centered There are many reasons why a king is the least efficient way of ruling. The citizens will never get what is rightfully theirs. Kings will always pad their own coffers. People have no recourse with a Kingly government; you are a person who must do what this one man says. Whether it is to pay heavy taxes or go to war against someone that he wants their land and wealth. So, the people made do with individual Judges. Over the next four hundred years the people kept clamoring for a King. God finally gave them what they wanted but also with a warning that a King would treat them harshly and tax them heavily. Solomon did just that! Israel’s Kings caused unrest and rioting, resulting in war. Today, many nations of the world continue to Hate Israel. Even America has more Jew-haters than we should. America is a nation who believes in the God of the Jews. By law, America supports Israel because of what scriptures reveal. People who Help Israel will be blest by God; those who cause injury to Israel will know the wrath of God. It is up to us if we believe that. My prayer is that we are a trusting people believing in the holiness of Scripture.

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