Audit away
Former IRS commissioner J. Brocken Lee said the cost of maintaining the huge federal machinery must come out of the taxes before the citizens can get anything. Frank Chodorov, an extraordinary thinker and writer in the 1950s, said the government has nothing of its own to give, for it is not a producer of wealth. In granting one citizen a special advantage it automatically creates a disadvantage for other citizens. It is obvious that by handing out special privileges the government is doing what it ought not to do, it is using its power not for the purpose of dispensing justice, but for the purpose of creating injustice.
An audit of government is a good thing for the taxpayer. In my opinion, this audit by the president is way past due. He should know the state of the finances of our country and the taxpayers should too.
How did we get into this government overload of 2.3 million secular federal workers with no past oversight on what they are doing with our money? They are civil servants, not elected. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) says these workers average $106,000 per year not counting the benefits and perks. Just their salary alone adds up to $245 billion a year. By the way, the average for all other workers is $75,000 per year. We all read in different papers that thousands of these government jobs were created for paybacks to people helping the politicians get elected through the years. So I say it is past time to drain the swamp. For any government employee losing their job, I’m sorry, but welcome to the real world, the secular working class has dealt with this forever.
Finally, honest Democrats and Republicans that truly work for the people should all want the waste and corruption removed, and know where $6 trillion by auto pay goes from the Treasury Department each year. This is one of the items the DOGE audit showed up, and I think any politician would want to know where all this money goes whether Democrat or Republican unless they have something to hide.