Explaining the property tax mailers
This is the second-year letters were mailed out to all property owners as required by HF718 (Iowa Code Section 24.2A) in order to give property owners an opportunity to attend public hearings regarding proposed property tax rates for the taxing entities in their Taxing District. These proposed tax rates would be for the taxes that will be due in September 2025 and March 2026.
The front page of the mailing begins in the top right corner stating what this mailing is for, as well as defining the “Effective Tax Rate” as the rate produced by holding current taxation constant using next fiscal year’s taxable values.
Continuing down the front page of the document, there are three separate sections of data: School, County, and City. Everyone will have information listed for the School and County, however if you live outside of City limits, you will not see any information listed for the City. Each of these sections will start with the date, time, and location for the Public Hearing, as well as a phone number and website for the taxing entity. Directly below will show you what the current property tax rate is for the School, County, or City, what the effective tax rate would be (as defined above), and finally what the proposed property taxes and rate are for the next property tax cycle, as well as a reasoning as to why the proposed tax rate is higher than the current tax rate.
Continuing onto the back side of the mailing, there is information showing percentages of how property owner’s property tax dollars are distributed, as well as hypothetical examples of changes in property tax dollars using the current tax rate vs. the proposed tax rate for Residential and Commercial properties. Lastly, at the very bottom, there are notations from the Department of Management as well as a link to their website for more information on this mailing.
As a reminder, these mailings are not a tax bill, and the public hearings are optional to attend. Any property owners who have further questions regarding these mailings are welcome to contact the Marshall County Auditor/Recorder’s Office at (641) 754-6302, stop in to see us on the 3rd floor of the Courthouse or email us at auditor@marshallcountyia.gov.
Marshall County Real Estate Team
Sara Badger, Assistant Real Estate
Melanie Ewalt, GIS
Nan Benson, Auditor/Recorder