
Fiber optic

Many people think fiber optic service is free. First of all our taxes are paying billions of dollars to install it. Then the service is not free. You pay for it like other providers. We were not given a choice. You will have this and like it. Our street looks like a war zone. The ugly plastic plates are high enough they will be hit by mower blades. Holes are filled with big crushed rock. That will have to be removed and filled with dirt. And unless mechanically tamped that will settle. And fiber optic is touted as the future. It is not. I spoke with several people who work in IT. They are in Des Moines and Omaha. Fiber optic is the future because the companies selling it are saying so. When the southern US was destroyed with tornadoes and floods do you think fiber optic withstood that?

Starlink satellites were put up. That is the future. I was told by my contacts that fiber optic will be obsolete in about 10 years. Satellites will enable you to have service in your home, your boat, your camper etc. I use a router for my computer and streaming. It works great.

Metronet totally disabled our phones and computers at work. They couldn’t fix it and the owner had to pay a private contractor to fix it. Metronet refused to pay for the repair. I hope the city is ready for the problems that will arise.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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