
Swine Day focuses on vital pork industry topics

AMES — The 2022 Iowa Swine Day program focuses on what it does best: provide widely regarded speakers sharing information on topics vital to today’s pork producer. From the morning plenary session to the four category-specific concurrent sessions, a wealth of knowledge and experience will be available.

The 11th annual event will be held June 30 at the Scheman Building on the Iowa State University campus in Ames, with registration at 7:30 a.m. and the official program start at 8:30 a.m.

The four plenary session speakers will set the learning stage right from the start.

Aaron Thomas, of Aplington-Parkersburg, will talk about opportunities and platforms for overcoming adversity and Dr. Ryan Brook, of University of Saskatchewan, will share his research on the wild boar population. Dr. Karl Skold, of JBS USA, will present info global market dynamics and impact on U.S. pork production, followed by Peter Zeihan, of Zeihan on Geopolitics, who will give his thoughts on agriculture at the end of the world.

The afternoon is organized into four concurrent sessions: foreign animal disease in Iowa, the evolving labor force, improving pig livability and Iowa State University research. Each session has four separate topics and attendees can attend one concurrent session or choose from any sessions and topics.

The post program barbecue social returns this year, sponsored by TechMix, AB Vista and Lynch Livestock. Following the conclusion of the program at 4:30 p.m., the social will be held outdoors just south of the Scheman Building. This year’s barbecue will feature special guest speaker Tork Whisler, partner at TDF Media and co-host of This’ll Do Farm.

Cost is $65, and students may attend at no charge with the registration deadline of midnight, June 23. No walk-in registrations are accepted.

The full program, registration forms and information and directions to the venue are available on the Iowa Swine Day conference website.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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